New Roads Outreach Team During COVID-19

New Roads Outreach Team During COVID-19

For New Roads runaway and homeless youth program outreach workers, challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic have been wide reaching but the team perseveres working hard to find at-risk youth and engage them about New Roads resources. On Friday, May 15th we joined two members of the outreach team on an outing and asked them questions about their process as well as how the pandemic has changed their approach in the field.

Education with Looking Glass

Education with Looking Glass

At Looking Glass, we work to provide a variety of educational opportunities for teens that are homeless, have mental health issues, and for whom traditional education is inadequate to meet their needs. We have 3 alternative schools, therapists in 32 schools throughout Lane County, and offer educational services at each of our residential programs.

Bilingual, Bi-cultural Counseling Services Available at Looking Glass - Servicios de Consejería/Terapia bilingües y biculturales disponibles en Looking Glass

Bilingual, Bi-cultural Counseling Services Available at Looking Glass - Servicios de Consejería/Terapia bilingües y biculturales disponibles en Looking Glass

Looking Glass therapists share insights into Looking Glass’ bilingual, bi-cultural counseling services. - Los terapeutas de Looking Glass comparten perspectivas sobre los servicios de consejería/terapia bilingües y biculturales de Looking Glass.

Residential Programs Get Fit at the YMCA

Residential Programs Get Fit at the YMCA

Every day, Looking Glass residential treatment clients are taken to the Eugene YMCA to play basketball and use the exercise equipment as part of their healing and education on living a full, healthy life.

“The YMCA is a safe way to get the clients' energy out - in our residential facilities, clients got to where they are by making some bad choices usually when they do not have healthy alternatives to those lifestyles,” Explained Aaron Hinkley, a Program Supervisor for Pathways Boys and PRD programs.

Child and Adolescent Network Provides Crisis Line and In-Person Intervention

Child and Adolescent Network Provides Crisis Line and In-Person Intervention

Looking Glass is a proud founding member of the Child and Adolescent Network (CAN). Over decades of experience hosting a 24-hour crisis line for parents and children in Lane County, starting in 2005 the need for non-police crisis intervention became apparent. Working with Jasper Mountain and The Child Center, we expanded the 24/7 Crisis Line (541-689-3111) to become the Crisis Response Program (CRP) that combines the crisis line with in-person interventions when necessary.

Regional Crisis Center Open House Draws State Leaders

Regional Crisis Center Open House Draws State Leaders

A group of Looking Glass supporters, board members, staff and elected officials met on Wednesday, July 10th to celebrate the successful opening and operation of the new Regional Crisis Center. Supporters included Department of Human Services Director Fariborz Pakseresht, PeaceHealth CEO Mary Kingston, Oregon State Representative Nancy Nathanson and Oregon State Senator James Manning.

Counseling Group Family Fun Night At The Eugene Science Center

Counseling Group Family Fun Night At The Eugene Science Center

A gathering of Looking Glass counseling clients and family members enjoyed a casual evening of fun, food and prizes at the Eugene Science Center on Tuesday, June 25th. The Intensive Outpatient Support Services counseling group (IOSS) is a strength-based, team oriented, and community involved approach focused on making positive changes in a child’s individual and family functioning level. The family fun nights, a new initiative, are offered quarterly and aim to allow the youth and families an opportunity to enjoy a relaxing and fun environment in a safe and stimulating venue.

Staff Spotlight: Amber Harding, In-School Therapist

Staff Spotlight: Amber Harding, In-School Therapist

In a typical day Amber Harding, a Looking Glass In-School Therapist, takes on many roles in caring for students in Junction City. From preparing safety plans for individual students, meeting students for therapy in school, collaborating with school counselors on improving policies, to intervening in a behavioral crisis, Amber’s work adds a vital support for student success.

Program Spotlight: Survivor Advocate (Trafficking Prevention)

Program Spotlight: Survivor Advocate (Trafficking Prevention)

Only 9% of sex traffickers who target youth (individuals who exploit youth by forcing them to engage in sexual acts in exchange for money, housing or other compensation) are strangers to those being trafficked. Over 90% of the time, the youth are being exploited by someone they know, and over 60% of the time, it is a family member or romantic partner. This sad statistic comes from Looking Glass’s dedicated Survivor Advocate (SA) staff member in a recent discussion about the challenges youth in Lane County face in the realm of sex trafficking. We won’t be using her name or photo in this article since her anonymity is important for a variety of reasons.