Not only is the Eugene YMCA a partner with our Residential Programs, they also serve as a Safe Place for Station 7, helping youth in need get to Station 7.
Looking Glass residential treatment programs aim to provide for the whole health of our clients. Our work is focused on solving the emotional, mental, and social barriers our clients face to pursue a healthy life. Changes in a young person’s worldview and behaviors need to be paired with helping them build healthy habits. Our facilities are able to provide nutritious food and some physical recreation, but space is limited for proper exercise. That is why our partnership with the YMCA is such a critical aspect to the healing of our residents.
Every day, clients from several Looking Glass residential programs are taken to the Eugene Y through the generous group membership program. With the chance to play basketball and use the exercise equipment, YMCA staff help out our clients with how to use the equipment and teach proper technique.
“The YMCA is a safe way to get the clients' energy out - in our residential facilities, clients got to where they are by making some bad choices usually when they do not have healthy alternatives to those lifestyles,” Explained Aaron Hinkley, a Program Supervisor for Pathways Boys and Parole Revocation Diversion programs speaking to the great benefit the Y. “That is why we take them there - to learn these healthy alternatives. We also take kiddos to the YMCA to help re-acclimate them into the community. The baby steps we take there is a good way to help them make bigger strides once they are out of our care.”
Sergio, a Social Service Assistant with PRD/Pathways Boys, helps a client work on their leg presses. The client said that going to the Y is their favorite part of the day and a nice break from being in program.
The Y is a happy partner is assisting our young people get on the right track.
“The Y has enjoyed a long partnership with Looking Glass to provide area youth with an outlet to learn, grow and thrive,” Brian Steffen CEO of the Eugene YMCA said in a written statement. “Working together in small groups, Looking Glass clients work out, shoot hoops and enjoy the physical and social outlet our Y can provide."
Thank you to the YMCA and its members for helping make it a welcoming and wonderful partner in the healing our Looking Glass clients.