Craig Opperman, Looking Glass CEO, stands with Pat and Paul Frishkoff after giving them the “Guiding Light” award for their years of service and support of Looking Glass.
The annual Looking Glass staff picnic event, held on Wednesday, August 28th at Alton Baker Park, included a recognition and “Guiding Light” award given to Pat and Paul Frishkoff, longtime board members and supporters. The “Guiding Light” award is given to longtime supporters and true advocates for Looking Glass programs and staff and none were more deserving of this award than the Frishkoff’s.
Paul Frishkoff presents Craig Opperman with a 15-years of service recognition for Craig’s 15 years of employment with Looking Glass.
One more award was handed out - a 15-year recognition was given to Craig Opperman, Looking Glass CEO and President, for his 15 years of service (so far). The award was presented by none other than recent Guiding Light award winner, Paul Frishkoff.
The annual celebration also included a bouncy house and Debbie “the balloon lady” who is a staple of Looking Glass events. It was a very hot day, but another successful picnic despite the heat. Special thanks goes to Kierstin Dunavant, Executive Office Coordinator, for setting up and running the event.